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Analogue - Days 17 - 25

Day 17


Digiscout set out to get some layouts in 3D so that the animators could go in and start setting up our 3D animatic


Becca got a little closer with textures

We also got some beautiful beat boards by the environment team, as usual


Day 18


The animation team is starting off very strong with 3D blocking, especially Austin.  In Addition to blocking out shots 1 and 3, for today, we'll get the rest blocked out soon.  For now, here's a turnaround of Garbage Boy (the cat) and the Seagull

The background character model is near completion, now complete with hands

Day 19


After a talk with Tim, we decided we needed to pick up speed and fast.  Tia Flowers is getting started on proportions for Phoebe, while Kyle sculpts the rest of the background character bodies using the same topology, as well as starting on the Seagull Model










Becca and Sunny are really getting somewhere on textures, its nearing the level that we need it!












Shannon got started on some color keys and they look pheominal













Day 20


Big Friday meeting!  We pitched our boards to the animation team!  They were rather hesitant, but I think we're going to be able to make a really great film with this crew.



Day 21


Gabi, Austin and I all got together to make sure that the shotlist was perfect and ready to be shipped off.  We made a few notes about scenes that could be cut, such as the alleyway scene and the classroom scene.


Tia got Phoebe's proportions done, and with some draw overs from Shannon and Dennis, She's going to be perfect!












I got started  on the rig for the Paper, which is going very well!  Current downloadable file here:



Day 22


Tim came in with some grave news: There have been some major cuts.  Garbage Boy, the Seagull, and the Musician have all been removed from the films in order to make a more cohesive story with less animation.  Honestly, this class went amazingly, so many ideas were thrown around, and we actually did manage to remove the scenes Gabi and I had discussed.  The story flows so much better now, and the film is really coming together.  Plus, the animators will definitely be happy.



Day 23


Boards boards boards!  Gabi actually came in with post it notes, and it felt like such a real pitch meeting!  Some animators showed up for this one and it was really helpful to get their input on the story and the designs, especially of Paperson.  Here's some of the 2D stuff that we showed.  Steven did an amazing rendering of Phoebe and Sunny nearly dropped his jaw.

              Steven Roberson                                       Ana Hallal













Day 24


Finals weekend was huge.  I came into class with four rigs: 

1: A nearly finished paper rig

2: An autorigged background Man

3: An autorigged background woman with the same topology and skinweights

4: A base rig for Phoebe.


By Wednesday, We need to have everything that ships off to next quarter.  This means

We need a 3D animatic done and compiled

We need a color script

We need finalized Hero Character Expression sheets

We need Working Rigs


I think it's definitely coming together, and by Wednesday, we will be ready for next quarter!

Also look at these shingles











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